A slice of the Kent countryside...
Hawthorn Farm (once known as "New Farm") is in the heart of Kentish orchard country, in the hamlet of Ware, close to the pretty village of Ash. The main Farm House (our home) and Pear Tree Cottage (the Annexe), were converted from a large barn and adjoining stables about 25 years ago, together with the four cottages, which were originally converted from other farm buildings to be used by farm labourers/fruit pickers in the many acres of surrounding fruit orchards. The previous owners ran the holiday cottages business for 11 years or so, before we took it over in September 2016.
Hawthorn Farm sits within a remote and peaceful setting in East Kent, and yet it is also within easy reach of some fantastic blue flag sandy beaches, championship golf courses, wildlife parks, ports/marinas, charming seaside towns and of course the historic Cathedral City of Canterbury. Our four charmingly renovated 2-3 bedroom self-catering cottages, and luxury 1-bedroom annexe therefore provide the ideal accommodation not just for family holidays, but also as a handy base for cycling or walking holidays; a quiet idyll for a romantic break in the countryside; or a comfy holiday home from home for anyone seeking some much needed rest and relaxation away from the hustle and bustle of their daily lives. There's definitely something to please everyone!
Hawthorn Farm now includes just under four acres of land, including paddocks, hay/wildflower meadows, landscaped gardens and large shared playing field - with plenty of space for children to play outside. The holiday cottages have unique and uninterrupted views of the paddocks, meadows and surrounding fruit orchards. So you can enjoy an afternoon picnic under the shade of a parasol, or put your feet up with a cold glass of something nice, whilst watching the sun go down on those long summer evenings...
We welcome well behaved pets in two of our holiday cottages (Foxglove and Primrose), so your dogs (or other pets) can enjoy your holiday too... just make sure to let us know who you'll be bringing along with you, so we can tell Rosie and Sam, our resident donkeys to expect visitors and to prepare their welcome pack!
There's a choice of farm shops and independent grocery stores near to Hawthorn Farm, where you can buy a wide range of award-winning locally grown fruit and veg, as well as Kent-made produce and essential groceries: sampling the local produce is a must at least once when you're visiting The Garden of England! Would you would like us to arrange a welcome hamper with a selection of finest Kentish produce for your first evening, and/or your first breakfast? Do let us know and we'll make sure it's waiting for you in your cottage when you arrive... If you prefer someone else to cook for you, there are lots of highly recommended country pubs, restaurants, cafes, bistros and takeaways within a few miles. You really will be spoilt for choice!
Being less than 30 minutes from the Channel Ports and Tunnel, Hawthorn Farm is also a perfect base for anyone wanting to enjoy a day trip to France... Or if you're visiting from mainland Europe, it's an easy to reach and perfect location for exploring Kent, London and the South of England.
We are passionate about supporting and showcasing the diversity of independent Kent businesses - not just to Kent residents, but also to our visitors. We hope that your stay at Hawthorn Farm will be a great opportunity for you to explore the beauty of our county, and to sample the wealth of resources that Kent has to offer - giving you plenty of special holiday memories to treasure.
Our Address
Hawthorn Farm Cottages
Corner Drove
Ware, Ash
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1304 290029
Email: info@hawthornfarm.co.uk
GPS location for your Sat Nav: 51.300527 1.275279
For older Sat Navs, you may need to use our old postcode: CT3 2LU, together with the road name "Corner Drove"
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